28 March 2009

GOLEM's Programming

As overall GOLEM is programmed to follow the following tasks and each task is explains by the following diagram:

i)          Move along the black line by using the light sensor if no is sound detected.

Light sensor can differentiate the colour between black and white, accurately. Pitch-black colour value is read as smaller value (0 – 30) while lighter number value is higher (55 – 100). The value is set to <45,>

But if the light sensor is not detecting line (white floor), light sensor will read the white colour as above than 45 and automatically stop the motor A and runs motor B continuously until the light sensor reads black again. So the motors will rotating and make zigzag moving pattern that moves the robot.


ii)          Turn right if the sound is higher than 60 dBa by using the sound sensor OR turn left if the sound is less than 30 dBa by using the sound sensor.

Adjustable Decibel (dBA) is a reading value for normal sound that human ears can hear. If GOLEM hears whistle sound that exceeding 70 dBA, it will automatically turn right by steering motor A and B simultaneously and make GOLEM turns the direction to right, instead of straight.

From here on, GOLEM will ignore the light sensor command until the sound fade away. If the sound read as less than 50 dBA (but not less than 20 dBA), the motor will steering to the left. This shows that the sound level determining the direction.

 GOLEM also produces sounds TO RIGHT or TO LEFT while changing directions.


iii)    Hit (rotating motor A) any object in proximity that using ultrasonic sensor to locate  the object  distance and direction.

Since this program is switch-based programming, it allows the blocks to operate continuously for every switch. During the track, if GOLEM ultrasonic sensor detecting any objects/obstacles it will start rotating motor C that functioning as GOLEM’s arm. The distance between the object and the ultrasonic sensor is set as 28cm. The object in this distance will trigger the motor and abruptly swing the claw to eliminate the object.

While running, all processes above are set in infinity or forever loop that makes GOLEM runs the program as non-stop until it manually stopped from the NXT button.


So, that's all about programming. Hasta luego..!

27 March 2009

We Support the Earth Hour

...sorry this post might be out of topic. 

16 March 2009

QUT5: Robots Progress Overview...

So far, starting from 19 January 2009, we had develop 9 different robots until the final one. In average, we made one robot/week including modification of existed robot. Below is the list of our creations and the functions for each one:







19th Jan ‘09


·  Move straight and turn right or left.

·  Can form a perfect square movement.

·  This is an introduction lesson for robot movement.

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19th Jan ‘09

Hit the Ball (based on the MindStorm Robots Template)

·  Can detect the ball colour.

·  The motor will only hit the red colour ball.

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23rd Jan ‘09

Distance Detector

·  This robot use Ultrasonic sensor to detect a specific range.

·  If an object approaching the robot below than 15cm (between object and sensor) the robot will move backward.

·  But if an object distance more than 15cm, the robot will keep close until the ideal 15cm range obtain.

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9th Feb ‘09


·  Test project for motor power.

·  Using gears to enhance motor power.

·  The only function is to pull the opponent robot as in tug-o-war game.

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9th Feb ‘09

Mantis Mentadu

·  Attacking robot.

·  The robot resembles a mantis and able to attack approaching object by using sharp talons.

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16th Feb ‘09


·    Programmed to only lifting the red ball. When a red ball picked, Claw-tastrophe will turn back in 180⁰ and set forth to put the ball into a container provided at the starting line.

·    If the ball is blue, it will release it back by moving backward, opens the claws and throw it far away with a powerful motor speed.

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20th Feb ‘09


·    Project trial from the top 6 ideas.

·    Can crawl slowly looking for green grass (light sensor detecting green tiles). On the green tiles, it will stop and move out it head.

·    But if the head being touched (attach with touch sensor), it will retract the head into the shell and move at other safe place. 

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23rd Feb ‘09


·    Robot created based on the concept of maze game.

·    Can find the way out of the maze by using the light sensor and ultrasonic sensor.

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26th Feb ‘09

GOLEM ver 1.0

·    Acronym for Guiding an Old Lady to the Market.

·    Modification from aMAZEing robot.

·    Moving on the black lines instead of free movement.

·    Can hit obstacles along the black lines.

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27th Feb ‘09

GOLEM ver 1.5

·    Modification from GOLEM v. 1.0

·    Attached with sound sensor to make it able to follow voice command (in turning left or right).

·    Improved in AI.

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2nd Mar ‘09

GOLEM ver 2.0

*Final Project

·    Modification from GOLEM v. 1.5

·    Improvement in hitting mechanism (improvised gears and arm design)

·    Improvement in robot design (portrays as an old women).

·    Improvement in movement (moving smoothly on track and not to stray from the track).

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Building Guide here


-in future-

GOLEM ver 3.0

·    Hitting mechanism (arm) disables and changes to guiding dog.

·    The dog task is to eliminate obstacles.

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We will continue our peoject development as long as we can use the Mindstorm robot resources.